10369521Bigpoint TennisBigpoint Tennis North Shore Country Club, Kallaroo Wa 6025-38.157982144.56972110369552Bill Boyle23 Benara Rd, Noranda Wa 6062-31.875236115.89181210381177David Culley's Tennis ApproachCnr Broome & Napier Sts, Cottesloe Wa 6011-31.992947115.75618010388360Floreat Park Tennis ClubCnr The Boulevard & Selby St, Wa 6014-31.939684115.80417910389660Frontier Tennis9 Chatham Rd, Woodbridge Wa 6056-31.895078115.99340010390804Gerrans PeterPO Box 7025, Shenton Park Wa 6008-31.944468115.82576011199266Gerrans Ross Pro-Tennis Coaching SchoolPO Box 727, Wa 6943-12.687026141.88756510394936Hince Tennis44 Cressbrook Way, Carine Wa 6020-31.846655115.76550610397158InStyle Tennis ManagementSorrento Tennis Club (cnr Marmion Ave & Warwick Rd), Duncraig Wa 6023-31.834817115.76440310398139Jamie Venerys Tennis Star ProgramPO Box 564, Cottesloe Wa 6011-31.989773115.75356610399083John Fairchild's Tennis EdgeSorrento Wa 6020-31.822458115.75984510401081Kindy Tennis64 Sexton Rd, Inglewood Wa 6052-31.911698115.88266011207626MastaStroke Tennis System-MelvilleCnr Stock Rd & Canning Hwy, Melville Wa 6956-32.034166115.79360910408069Millman TennisFloreat Park Tennis Club, 3 The Boulevarde, Wa 6014-31.939255115.80223710408068Millman TennisCnr The Boulevard And Selby Street, Wa 6014-31.939684115.80417911199447Pop TennisCnr Stock Rd & Canning Highway, Melville Wa 6956-32.034166115.79360910421566Rob Casey's Tennis School Of WAKings Park Tennis Club 21 Kings Park Rd, West Perth Wa 6005-31.954601115.83971610421629Robinson Mark18 Dorado Beach Crs, Connolly Wa 6027-31.745828115.74529210421634Robinson's Kurt Tennis School43 Reserve St, Claremont Wa 6010-31.981390115.78658510422670S R T TennisAllen Park Tennis Club, Swanbourne Wa 6010-31.982423115.769504