10360300Advertiser (Adelaide) The34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951491115.86372310360456African Mining Quarterly1109 Hay St, West Perth Wa 6005-31.950335115.84590010365918Australian Newspaper The34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951491115.86372310373527Cambridge Post276 Onslow Rd, Shenton Park Wa 6008-31.960605115.80911410376128Chinanet Australia Pty Ltd275 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.943299115.86785010376960Claremont-Nedlands Post276 Onslow Rd, Shenton Park Wa 6008-31.960605115.80911410378222Community Newspaper Group Ltd"News House" 34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951493115.86371710379413Countryman50 Hasler Rd, Osborne Park Wa 6017-31.911986115.81267710379430Courier Mail (Brisbane) The34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951491115.86372310380810Daily Telegraph34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951491115.86372310382356Dianella Heights News DeliveryPO Box 220, Greenwood Wa 6024-31.833312115.80188310384379Echo Newspaper9 The Avenue, Midland Wa 6056-31.887893116.00528610386957Fairfax Media LimitedGrnd Flr 40 Kings Park Rd, West Perth Wa 6005-31.951369115.83760710391373Global Media (Aust)U3/ 1 Forbes Rd, Northbridge Wa 6003-31.944684115.86049810393869Have-A-Go News224 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.945582115.86708810394375Herald-Sun (Melbourne) The34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951491115.86372310402472Lasso Entertainment & Promotions8 Southport St, West Leederville Wa 6007-31.942192115.84052910407008Mercury (Hobart) The34 Stirling St, Perth Wa 6000-31.951491115.86372310409310Mosman Park-Cottesloe Post276 Onslow Rd, Shenton Park Wa 6008-31.960605115.80911410409953Mundaring Hills & Foothills Echo9 The Avenue, Midland Wa 6056-31.887893116.005311