11171806Central Desert Shire Council1 Bagot St, Alice Springs Nt 0870-23.707031133.87928210446935Local Government Association Of The Northern Territory1st Flr CML Building 59 Smith St, Darwin Nt 0800-12.462531130.84060311173188Ngaanyatjarraku, Shire OfGreat Central Rd, Yulara Nt 0872-25.240307130.98391910447904Northern Territory Justices Association94 Boulter Rd, Berrimah Nt 0828-12.415996130.92123211173470Pine Creek Community Government Council55 Moule St, Pine Creek Nt 0847-13.824976131.83467711174243Wallace Rockhole Community Government CouncilWallace Rockhole Via, Alice Springs Nt 0872-24.121044133.086570