10375686Charles Edward JewellersH19 Carillon City 672 Hay St Mall, Perth Wa 6000-31.953960115.85886810376335Chris N Zounis171 Scarborough Beach Rd, Wa 6016-31.921568115.83788010376389Christos Jewellery171 Scarborough Beach Rd, Wa 6016-31.921568115.83788010376644City GemsCarillon City Hay St Level, Perth Wa 6000-31.954010115.85836710376671City Of GoldShp 23/ 36 Ocean Keys Blv, Clarkson Wa 6030-31.691071115.71768410376968Clarity JewellersShp 18/ 148 Scarborough Beach Rd, Wa 6016-31.920905115.83945910379640Craig Peters Master JewellerClaremont Wa 6010-31.980521115.78120710380983Danielle Campbell450C Fitzgerald St, North Perth Wa 6006-31.931150115.85951110381229David Murphy Manufacturing JewellerHillarys Shopping Centre, Cnr Waterford Drv & Flinders Ave, Hillarys Wa 6025-31.809136115.75334410381230David Murphy Manufacturing JewellersShop 3, Hillarys Shopping Centre, Hillarys Wa 6025-31.799152115.74553110381341Dayco Watchmakers-Citizen Service Centre22 Trinity Arc, Perth Wa 6000-31.954633115.85835310382336Diamond Tree JewellerySuite 3, Level 2 , Perth Wa 6000-32.085364115.91197810382335Diamond Tree JewelleryCarillion City Tower Suite 3, Level 2, Perth Wa 6000-32.085364115.91197810382337Diamond Tree Jewellery EnterprisesSuite3, Level 2, Perth Wa 6000-31.952773115.86031110382343Diamond-Craft Jewellers347 Cambridge St, Wembley Wa 6014-31.941319115.81082510382344Diamonds & Pearls842 Hay St, Perth Wa 6000-31.952084115.85455910382346Diamonds By DesignShop 8 Morley Mkts Shopping Centre 238 Walter Rd, Morley Wa 6062-31.896509115.89645210382348Diamonds On Hay315 Hay St, East Perth Wa 6004-31.957630115.86885610384363Ecali Fine Jewellery91 Rokeby Rd, Subiaco Wa 6008-31.947796115.82358210384758Egoli Place of GoldGlengarry Shopping Centre, Duncraig Wa 6023-31.834120115.783591