11193371Complete Appliance Service15 Barmera Ave, Hope Valley Wa 6165-32.200703115.79201311193588Cooperheat Of Australia Pty Ltd11 Yeates Rd, Wa 6167-32.234984115.78156211204419Kenwick Stove & Element Centre33 Beenyup Rd, Byford Wa 6122-32.221956116.01266311211676Peel Appliance RepairsU2/ 24 Murry St, Pinjarra Wa 6208-32.628127115.87297311212851Portside Plumbing and Gas ServicePort Kennedy Wa 6172-32.366464115.75557611214655Rockingham ApplianceBaldivis Wa 6171-32.309598115.79662611216836Silver Fox Appliance Repair ServicePO Box 5682, Falcon Wa 6210-32.585719115.65483211216835Silver Fox Appliance Repair ServicePO Box 5682, Falcon Wa 6210-32.585719115.65483211217479South West Appliance Repairs & Services3 Sandeland Ave, Mandurah Wa 6210-32.543314115.74315211223186Whitegood Traders & Appliance Repairs2/ 16 Edison Cct, Rockingham Wa 6168-32.274944115.77583511224027Zodiac AppliancesRockingham Wa 6168-32.275631115.729530