10177089Active Medical Supplies35 Southgate Ave, Cannon Hill Qld 4170-27.467387153.09400510960303Active Medical Supplies35 Southgate Ave, Cannon Hill Qld 4170-27.467387153.09400510962673AIAS College Of Natural MedicineCampus: 11 Beata St, Stones Corner Qld 4120-27.498005153.04483110962672AIAS College Of Natural Medicine337 Logan Rd, Greenslopes Qld 4120-27.499096153.04444510975693Australian College of Natural Medicine362 Water St, Fortitude Valley Qld 4006-27.453911153.03053210194232Centre for Psychosomatic TreatmentLevel 2/Watkins Medical Centre 225 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill Qld 4000-27.465107153.02327011004904Centre for Psychosomatic TreatmentLevel 2/Watkins Medical Centre 225 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill Qld 4000-27.465107153.02327010194870Chinese Herbal WarehouseHamilton Qld 4007-27.439061153.06478011006633Chinese Herbal WarehouseHamilton Qld 4007-27.439061153.06478011029469e-health5 Canterbury Pl, The Gap Qld 4061-27.430859152.93366110202852e-health5 Canterbury Pl, The Gap Qld 4061-27.430859152.93366110208305GE Medical Systems12 Railway Tce, Milton Qld 4064-27.469255153.00682111042811GE Medical Systems12 Railway Tce, Milton Qld 4064-27.469255153.00684610219792Lateral MedicalUnit 17 /143 Racecourse Rd, Ascot Qld 4007-27.432217153.06574211074748Lateral MedicalUnit 17 /143 Racecourse Rd, Ascot Qld 4007-27.432217153.06574210245224Stones Corner Medical Centre Pharmacy329 Logan Rd, Stones Corner Qld 4120-27.498939153.04434411140782Stones Corner Medical Centre Pharmacy329 Logan Rd, Stones Corner Qld 4120-27.498939153.044344