About Trail Blazers Sydney
Want to host a birthday party with a difference ? "TrailBlazers" is now available in Sydney.
A fantastic opportunity for your child and their friends to experience the thrill of riding a motor bike/Quad under safe supervision.
Have a child's birthday party that provides excitement and fun while also helping them to acquire riding skills and gain self-confidence.
They will be taught all the basics of motorcycle control:
* braking
* accelerating
* posture
* balance
* turning
* motorcycle safety
All that's required to start is an ability to competently control a push bike and a desire to learn.
The children will receive a certificate at the end of the party.
The children will be introduced to the wonderful experience of trail bike riding by Mike who has 25 years riding experience.
TrailBlazers use only the highest quality safety equipment including:
* helmets
* goggles
* gloves
* body armour
All our equipment is state of the art and Australian standards compliant, and we use Yamaha bikes and Polaris quads.
Age 5-14
Children need to be aware of the importance of listening and heeding the
supervisors for their and their friends' safety.
Riding gear will be provided.
Appropriate clothing must be worn: Jeans, Boots or joggers, long sleeved t-shirt and footy/soccer socks.
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Mary C
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