Homeopathy is a gentle but powerful method of healing, with no side effects. It is a holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young & old. It focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on treating your specific physical & emotional symptoms, to give lifelong benefits.
The therapy is based on the natural law of treating ´like with like´. Homeopathic remedies are diluted & potentised natural substances that if given to a healthy person, would produce the symptoms the medicine is prescribed for. This is known as a ´proving´ & is conducted on healthy, human people to ascertain the substances´ healing properties.
Many homeopaths globally have been participating in ´provings´ of potential medicines for the past 200yrs. Hence the accumulation of knowledge available to the homeopath is vast. The application of these medicines has always remained consistent with traditional homeopathic prescribing, ie. take the whole person into account as to the way the disease is expressed.
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