249 Racecourse Road,
Kensington VIC 3031
Email : [email protected]
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Firstly, we treat everyone like family. We strive to talk to you like family, to give you honest and unbiased advice like family, to treat you like our own and to give you the best treatment like family. You will never treat family harshly nor will you disappoint them. We always aim to give our best to family.
To help you with your concerns, our dentists will provide you with all the options available, going through all the advantages and disadvantages of every single options, irregardless of cost. We will then allow you to choose whichever option that suits you and we will support whatever options that you choose.
We understand that dental clinics are not everyone's favourite and everyone dreads to see the dentist. We here at Tooth Heaven aim to change that. With over 22 years combined experience, we have re-created a peaceful, calm and relaxed environment from the moment you walk through our doors. Expect a smile on everyone's faces here.
We also believe in the word : GENEROSITY, the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. We want to be able to give back and help the community that has first helped us. We want to be able to change lives and help the less fortunate around us. Everyone can make a difference.
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Mary C
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