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About Tony's Termites & Pest Control

Tony's Termite and Pest Control services the Gold Coast, Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and Northern NSW, and as they like to say "If you've got pests... we've got solutions".

Termites are known to destroy the wall and roofing timbers of a home within 3 months of construction. Termites occur throughout Queensland, with a high incidence of attack in virtually all urban areas.

Tony's Termite and Pest Control is owned by Tony Casey, and is proud to be authorised by Exterra as a Preferred Operator. This honour does not come easily as Exterra conduct audits to ensure that their baiting system and $100,000 timber replacement warranty is backed up by excellent service and stringent quality assurance.

Tony's Termite and Pest Control is fully certified, ensured and equipped with company uniforms and clearly labelled vehicles.

With over 15 years of experience Tony's Termite and Pest Control offer guaranteed peace of mind across our complete range of services.
Tony's Termite and Pest Control ensures the highest level of safety is maintained at all times as they often work in child and pet-friendly environments.

So don’t risk your home to Termites or Pest call Tony's Termite and Pest Control today or visit their website or Facebook page to find out more.
  • Inspection & Reports
  • Chemical Soil Treatment
  • Follow-up Inspections
  • Termite Baiting
  • Pest & Termite Control
  • Non-Toxic for peace of mind
  • Child & Pet friendly products
  • Termite colony inspection & removal
  • Pest inspection & removal
  • Pest & Termite Inspector
  • Real Estate
  • Property Management
  • Clubs
  • Food Service Industry
  • Health Care
  • Production
  • Schools
  • Corporate Offices
  • Government and Retail
  • Home or Office or Commercial
  • Pre-Purchase Pest Inspections
  • Rats/Mice/Fleas/Roaches/Spiders/Bed Bugs/

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Tonys Termites Pest Control
SERVICING: Goulburn-Murray Region