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About Soh Dental
With more than 30 years of experience in clinical practice and 2 generations of dentists, Soh Dental is a family run renowned dental group. Along with highly experienced and internationally trained expert dentists who are updated with the latest advancements in the dentistry, we are also equipped with high-end operatories, most modern and technologically advanced dental solutions.
The center is air-conditioned, the water supply is filtered twice, once with the carbon filter and again with the sediment filter. Only distilled water is used in the surgery and all surgical instruments are completely sterilized by using dual-autoclave process. The second autoclaving being done just prior to the surgical procedure. We ensure that all the handpieces are cleaned, lubricated and sterilized with Vac-Universal, an expensive automatic cleaning, lubricating and sterilizing machine built specifically for this purpose.
With our aim to provide our patients with the world-class dental treatment we are committed to serving you with a long-lasting and effective treatment.
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