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About Praxis Rehab Physiotherapy
Praxis Rehab Physiotherapy is a small physiotherapy practice in Adelaide West in Findon, newly opened in 2019 within a personal training and wellness centre with a fully equipped gym for rehab.
It focusses on musculoskeletal & sports rehab and also deals with women’s health related problems during pregnancy and post-natal recovery.
The intention of a physiotherapy session is to understand the person as a ‘whole’ and identifying the barriers preventing normal function, whether it is playing a sport or performing an activity at work or home.
Education, communication and exercise are the primary tools which guarantee recovery within a normal average timeframe relevant to the problem apart from doing hands-on therapy during the initial phase to desensitise the pain.
The most effective recovery takes time and cannot be pushed or forced and thus our mainstay treatment goals are based on the bio-psycho-social model.
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