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About Good Bowen Therapy

How Good Bowen Therapy Works

A typical Bowen therapy is gentle and relaxing with the work performed on the skin for best results. All treatments are provided in private rooms. No oils or lotions are utilized, nor necessary.

The therapist will discuss your medical history and presenting conditions with you and answer any questions you may have. A customized treatment plan will then be developed for you and performed around the specific areas of the body. These moves are short and gentle and send a message through the Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) to the brain, triggering the body's own healing capacity to correct imbalances in the body.

Frequent pauses of about 2 minutes are taken between each set of moves to allow for a full integration of the body's response.

After a Bowen therapy treatment, patients have reported feeling
extremely relaxed, as if a weight has been lifted. Each treatment lasts approximately 30-60 minutes. Since Bowen treatments continue to work for approximately 5-7 days, treatments are generally scheduled at least one week apart. Therapy may initiate a deep healing structure correction, therefore after treatment care required.

It is important not to receive any other physical treatments for at least 7 days before or after a Bowen treatment. Mixing treatments can result in the body becoming overloaded with different information and may affect the outcome of the treatment.

Bowen therapy in the Workplace

The Bowen therapy can help increase efficiency, enhance productivity and reduce the cost of sick pay by promoting release of dysfunctional muscle, skeletal or nerve states aid posture and stress relief. After a Bowen treatment it is possible for the person to resume their normal occupation.

The Bowen technique

Bowen is neither massage nor acupuncture, nor it can be compared with any other therapy. In 1975 the Bowen Technique was declared by the WHO ( World Health Organisation) to be the most successful holistic therapy in the world.

Bowen Therapy for Children

Bowen Therapy is well-suited for children for so many reasons. It can be done with very gentle pressure and still be effective. Children are generally more active, thus helping the energetics of the therapy to work better and faster. They do not have ideas about whether a treatment is going to work or not. Their minds don’t really go there. So, they tend to be more receptive than adults.

* Breathing Difficulties
* Deformed Back
* Uneven Shoulders
* Leg Length Imbalance
* Hip and Knee Pain
* Feet Problems

This remarkable Bowen technique can be effective in helping the following:

• Muscular and skeletal problems in shoulder, hip,
neck, knees, ankle and back, including sciatica
• Frozen shoulder, tennis and golf elbow, R.S.I.
carpal tunnel and Arthritis
• Whiplash and sports injuries. Problems with posture and body alignment
• Migraine and recurring headaches
• Lymphatic Drainage
• Sinusitis, Influenza, Cough
• Tinnitus, Vertigo
• Ear/Eye Problems
• Bell's Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis,Parkinson's Disease
and the difficulties suffered by stroke victims
• Respiratory, bronchial and related conditions
such as hay fever and asthma
• Digestive problems such as IBS
• Hormonal, pregnancy and fertility problems
• Stress management, ME, fatigue and sleep problems.

Trading hours;
Monday-Friday: 07.00am to 07.00pm
Appointment essential
Tel.9311 3803
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Good Bowen Therapy
SERVICING: West Region