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About Glenville Counselling Services
If you find your life being impacted by any of the following situations,or just want to get know yourself better, then I can offer counselling sessions that involve using effective and proven techniques conducted in a totally non-judgemental and caring environment.
Grief & Loss
WHAT IS GRIEF? Grief can be experienced by bereaved individuals, families and communities in many different ways and may include experiencing feeling out of control and experiencing conflicting emotions. Grief is a natural reaction to loss of all types and can include the loss of a relationship; a treasured object, a job, or other life changes.
WHAT IS DEPRESSION? Clinical depression is a medical condition that can significantly affect the way you feel and cause a persistent lowering of your mood. It can be often be accompanied by a range of physical and psychological symptoms that can affect and interfere with the way you are able to function in your everyday life.
WHAT IS ANXIETY? Anxiety is experienced by everyone at one time or another and is a normal part of the human condition. Severe and prolonged anxiety however can possibly develop into anxiety disorders which have now become the most common psychological disorders affecting adults.
Workplace Bullying and Harassment
WHAT IS WORKPLACE BULLYING AND HARASSMENT? Workplace bullying and harassment in the workplace reflect problems and issues that have been occurring in the broader society over a period of some time. In itself Harassment can be very difficult to define because there can often be a multitude of ways in that this sort of behaviour can occur and the effects it may have on the victim.
Assertiveness Training
WHAT IS ASSERTIVENESS? Assertiveness is the ability to express one's opinions, beliefs and needs feelings, directly, honestly and openly. Assertive communication requires respecting the feelings and rights of another whilst asserting one's rights.
Stress/Anger Management
WHAT IS ANGER? Anger is not violent aggression, hostility (although these may result from the experience of anger), rather anger is an internal event, a feeling, a physiological reaction. For this reason, some clients may find it challenging to articulate their experience. 'Feeling angry' can manifest in a variety of ways.
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If you are feeling overwhelmed, maybe its time to talk to someone that can offer support and guidance. You do have the power to create change! Take the first step, give us a call and lets look at all the options. Counselling is here to help you with your issues! Telephone & Video Counselling available for those who just can't find the time to come in. SOME PRIVATE HEALTH FUNDS ARE NOW COVERING COUNSELLING UNDER THEIR POLICY, PLEASE CHECK YOURS. YOU MAY BE ELIGABLE!
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