Byford WA 6122
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<p )="" 0="" 0,="" auto;="" margin-bottom:="" 1.5em;="" font-size:="" 16px;="" color:="" rgb(63,="" 63,="" 63);="" font-family:="" ptserif;"=""> Craft Boutique is an online only store specialising in cross stitch, blackwork, long stitch, tapestry and embroidery kits from quality suppliers such as Anchor, DMC, Lanarte, Dimensions, Country Threads, Bothy Threads, Derwentwater Designs and Collection d’Art. Whether your needlework skill level is beginner, intermediate or advanced we are sure that you will find a project of interest within our product range. We haven’t forgotten projects for the kids either with a range of stitching projects to keep them occupied for hours.
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Mary C
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