Hours of Operation
Monday 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM 5:30PM
Thursday 8:30 AM 5:30PM
Friday 8:30 AM 5:30PM

Hours of Operation
Monday 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM 5:30PM
Thursday 8:30 AM 5:30PM
Friday 8:30 AM 5:30PM

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About Bonfire Dental

Total Body Dentistry is an integrated approach aimed at the overall health of our patients. We combine our skills with other healthcare professionals to offer you an unparalleled service. Bonfire Dental Jindalee is your one-stop destination for family dentistry, comprehensive and natural oral care, and integrated wellness.
At Bonfire Dental, we also test the health and pH (acidity or alkalinity) of your saliva. Why is saliva testing important? It’s important because saliva is mother nature’s in-built protection for your teeth and gums. The quality and the balance between how acidic or alkaline your saliva is gives us an indication of how at risk you are to dental disease. Saliva testing offers a quick way of determining the pH of the body, important for those interested in maximising health.

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