Monday | 0800 | 1800 |
Tuesday | 0800 | 1800 |
Wednesday | 0800 | 1800 |
Thursday | 0800 | 1800 |
Friday | 0800 | 1800 |
Saturday | 0800 | 1800 |
Monday | 0800 | 1800 |
Tuesday | 0800 | 1800 |
Wednesday | 0800 | 1800 |
Thursday | 0800 | 1800 |
Friday | 0800 | 1800 |
Saturday | 0800 | 1800 |
Australian Hydrogen Generation / Amtronics is a Sales and Service provider based in Australia for the following products: |
- Hydrogen generation from small units to large scale plants |
- Gas and Hydrogen purification systems |
- Gas compressors |
- Storage solutions |
- Hydrogen fuel dispensing stations |
We have been running six hydrogen generating machines since 2013 around Australia and New Zealand. We provide turnkey solutions - generation, purification, compression, storage and dispensing – plus installation and maintenance for the hydrogen industry. Over the years, we've realised that no one seems to have the same level of experience or success with producing Hydrogen on an industrial scale here in Australia or NZ. We’re currently helping transition Australian and NZ firms away from fossil fuels by installing H2 generating solutions. |
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Mary C
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