Aerobotics Global is a robotics education and learning centre in Melbourne. With an aim to lead the way in robotics educAerobotics Global is a robotics education and learning centre in Melbourne. With an aim to lead the way in robotics education, we deliver the highest quality learning experience to our clients. We offer a wide range of robotics education programs, including summer courses, workshops, after school programs, programming and coding courses and more to students and teachers. Our courses are best suited for students of all ages. We have a team of certified, knowledgeable and passionate trainers who leave no stone unturned in ensuring students receive hands-on, holistic learning experience. Our learning materials are aligned to Victorian Curriculum and activities based on STEM concepts, including approach to practice real robotics and maintain superior educational standards and prepare future world leaders!ation, we deliver the highest quality learning experience to our clients. We offer a wide range of robotics education programs, including summer courses, workshops, after school programs, programming and coding courses and more to students and teachers. Our courses are best suited for students of all ages. We have a team of certified, knowledgeable and passionate trainers who leave no stone unturned in ensuring students receive hands-on, holistic learning experience. Our learning materials are aligned to Victorian Curriculum and activities based on STEM concepts, including approach to practice real robotics and maintain superior educational standards and prepare future world leaders!
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