
Ten Things Your Pharmacist Can Help With

Your local pharmacy is not just the place to go when you need a prescription filled. Check out our list of services that your pharmacist can provide that you may not have known about:

Allergies & Hayfever

Red eyes, runny noses, and sneezing- these are all unpleasant symptoms that people who suffer from allergies and hayfever dread, especially when Spring rolls around. If you find that your current medications or treatments are doing little to help with your allergies, speaking to your pharmacist is a great next step. Your pharmacist can give advice on medication and lifestyle changes to help effectively manage your allergies and hayfever.

After Hours Service

For shift workers, and those who work late, getting to the pharmacy during the day can be impossible. And sometimes sickness can strike late at night. Many pharmacies are now open late so you can get advice and service from a healthcare professional at any time.

Blood Pressure Check

Checking your blood pressure regularly is an important part of looking after your health. Many Australians have high blood pressure, but no symptoms, which can lead to more serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. Your pharmacist can help keep your blood pressure under control.

Cholesterol Check

Monitoring your cholesterol is important even if you’re healthy- over 32% of Australians have high cholesterol, and like high blood pressure, it can lead to more serious health issues such as heart disease. A cholesterol check normally takes less than 5 minutes, so have a chat to your pharmacist about whether they offer this service.

Coughs, Colds, and the Flu

There is nothing worse than being stuck at home with a cold or the flu, and often once one person catches it, it will spread like wildfire through the office or your family. Speaking to your pharmacist about ways to prevent and treat colds and the flu is a good way to ensure that you, your family, and work colleagues make it through Winter without getting sick.


Pharmacists can help with managing your diabetes, and also help prevent you from developing diabetes if you are at risk, through managing your medication and making lifestyle changes.

Managing Your Weight

Lots of Australians struggle with losing and managing their weight. Your pharmacist can be a great support to help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals. Speak to them about diet advice and products that can help you on your journey.

Medicine Information & Review

If you take multiple different types of medication, or are unsure about why you have been prescribed a certain type of medicine, your pharmacist is the perfect person to talk to. They can give you accurate information about the medicines you’re taking, and also undertake a review of your medication if they feel there are better ways to manage your health.

Returning Unwanted Medicines

If you have expired or unwanted medications, it’s important to get rid of them in a safe way. Keeping old and unwanted medicines in the house can be dangerous, especially if you have young children or pets. Old medicines should also not be thrown out in your normal rubbish, as it is damaging to the environment. Most pharmacies will accept old and unwanted medicines, and will arrange to dispose of them safely.

Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is extremely important for your health. But quitting isn’t easy, and most people will make several attempts at quitting before finally giving up smoking for good. There is a huge array of products and treatments that can help you if you’ve decided to quit, and your pharmacist can help you make an informed decision on what will work best for you.